My Projects

Below you will find a few images of projects that I have been a part of
or designed/built by myself. The design images posted are the parts of the
projects which I created. Some projects are hosted live
and some are not. For the ones that are, a link is provided to take you
to the live app and a separate link for their Git-Hub Repo.
Projects that can not be hosted live have links for their Git-Hub Repo Only.

Click thumbnails for larger view

Random Access Cards:

A Full-Stack, Flash-Card
web app. The login page
functions with Username:
"randomuser", Password:
"password", or you can
access the app with no
credentials by just clicking
the login button.

Project Website

Git-Hub Repo Link

Cookie Clicker:

A pure, vanilla JavaScript
project which also utilized
Jasmine Testing. Based off
the popular game released
by Orteil in 2013.

Project Website

Git-Hub Repo Link

Review Site:

A Full-Stack, dynamic web
app. We utilized Spring-
Boot, Thymeleaf and CRUD
operations among others
to design this app.

Git-Hub Repo Link